I've eaten at Riley's numerous times, but for some reason, had never tried their Cheeseburger. Now I'm glad I have.

BUN: A lovely ciabatta bun.
MEAT: A nice thick and juicy patty. They didn't ask how I wanted it cooked though...
TOPPINGS: Red onion, green leaf lettuce, tomato slice and a pickle spear (No mayo?). They do have a burger called the Knuckle Sandwich, which is a burger stuffed with bacon and cheese topped with the norm plus mayo and a chopped hard boiled egg.
CONSTRUCTION: The leafy green lettuce was above the burger, but it wouldn't have done much good. The bottom ciabatta bun started soaking up the juices, but never fell apart.
FRIES: Thick cut pub chips. (Jo-Jo's)
FINAL GRADE: B+. Great ciabatta bun, juicy burger, decent toppings and good fries makes Riley's Irish Pub worth a stop. (Plus the have beer!)